Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life can be simple, you know?

I wish I could say that my drama with Anne is completely diffused. I would be an inspiration to men everywhere giving them false hope, but hope nonetheless. I don't know if we're just fundamentally different people or if I've just lost my damn mind, but this chick seems to not make any sense to me. She doesn't own up to things that she's done, she makes no apologies for being a bitch, and seems to derive pleasure from my inability to cleanse the situation of her ineptitude. Does that make me inept? Who cares...

What matters is that I have yet to find a solution to my issues with her. Let's recap my efforts briefly. I've talked to her, I've yelled at her, I've ignored her, I've exploded on her (non-sexually), and I stopped talking to her for months. Most people would think to leave well enough alone, but not her. I wonder to her motivations. Is she lonely? Is this how she thinks relationships should work? Is this just a reflection of her past relationships with men? Am I spending too much time thinking about this? YES!!!

I am not yet ready to concede my team sports to my utter failure of a relationship and to a selfish (c)old woman. I would instead like to compromise a situation that is confortable for both parties involved. What I want is 1 of 2 things: retribution or for her to just leave me alone. I'm not a very vengeful person so retribution seems a little bit far-fetched. Unfortunately, she's not going to leave me alone. It's like playing paddle ball. I push her away and she comes flying back. I tried a new strategy of trying to be nice to her to maybe rekindle her old deep-freeze. It hasn't quite worked to the desired results.

I remember the days when you told someone to leave you alone and they left you alone. Now, I gotta think up new ways to tell a bitch to stop botherin me. Apparently, "Fuck off" just doesn't work anymore. This chick is now jumping into my conversations and giving me hugs in front of other people. We ain't friends bitch. She's even offering to spend personal time with me. She offered me a ride to where I was going. It may not have been an invitation to getting laid, but seriously now... it's like things are going back to when we first met except I'm trying to run away from her.

I think there's a line for every relationship especially the failed ones. How much can you take before you have to bury that person in your history? How long can you weather the unsatisfactory moments before enough is enough casting aside the present and the future? I'm a strong believer in redemption but I don't have far to go before I have to dismiss her to my past.

I've tried tact, leverage, forceful tact, emotional brute force, and now I'm back to tact. I believe I can make this successful in some way, shape, or form. I'm a strong person and I can will my way to victory, right? I hope that my determination can achieve victory where I've let myself fail before. I don't have many options left, but I believe what I'm doing now is niether selfish or manipulative and should honestly be the appropriate way for me to resolve my situation. I'm going to ask her how and what she thinks is the best way for us to move forward. It's very simple yet effective. I'm surprised I didn't think of it before, but for the last 15 months it's been every man for himself.

I may have lost many battles, but I will win the war!

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